€35 Sailmaker’s Guide

La version française de cet article, par Christophe

Would you like to lower your bill for the new sails and master the design and concept of your mainsail and genoa?

If you are about to order your sails online from a sailmaker in China or SE Asia, then this Guide would come in handy. Instead of starting from scratch, the homework has been done for you!

Sailmaker’s Guide of SY L’Envol is a 63 page PowerPoint (.pptx 7.3 MB) which you will be able to edit, and which encompasses a detailed description with photos and sketches of a mainsail and a genoa. The read-only version (PDF 37.7 MB) will also be included. Both documents are in English.

The story

During one year we spent in New Caledonia, the most important job on our things to do list was ordering a mainsail and a genoa for L’Envol. After some research, my choice finally fell upon a company based in Langkawi, Malaysia.

What followed was a two-month period of perfectionist labour of understanding the structure and design of my previous set of sails, which included creating this easy to understand Guide for the sailmaker.

When, a few months later, L’Envol received her new wardrobe – the result was perfect! It had cost me half the price I had paid for the old ones and more so, those Malaysian sails have lasted already five years without rips or tears, including a circumnavigation of Australia, Indian as well as South Atlantic Ocean crossings – double the time and distance of my previous, top brand, sails.


As boats differ, so do the sails. Yet even if your yacht is not a Django 770, this Guide would help you:

  • As a template, you will be able to modify and edit the Sailmaker’s Guide (.pptx) according to your vision and ship’s needs;
  • Understand the necessary measurements which describe your sails;
  • Acquire the language to use with your sailmaker (with whom all communication will be done by e-mail);
  • Minimise the risk of receiving a set of sails which are unsuitable or need trimming.

Extracts from Sailmaker’s Guide of SY L’Envol

Price: €35. To receive by e-mail the link to download these documents, click on the «Donate» button below and proceed to payment via Paypal.

Thank you for supporting SY L’Envol’s journey!

All contributions received through this page will be added to the running crowdfunding project and visible here:

To read more on our experience of ordering new sails from Malaysia as well as to find out how this Guide was born:

Christophe + Carina
SY L’Envol
Map of the Voyage

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